Sunday, October 26, 2014

My Perfect Pantry. Is this wishful thinking?

I have discussed my pantry before.  In fact, lately I am obsessed with my pantry.  Previously I described my pantry as a disaster but I would live to revise that.  I think I was being too hard on myself so I will just say my pantry is a work in progress.  That sounds a lot better right?
Up until recently I have stocked my pantry using the following "rules":
Rule number one:  Buying items when on sale.
Rule Number two:  Buying items that look interesting that I might use.
Rule Number three: Buying items I use all the time. 
Rule Number one gets me in the most trouble.  Buying items on sale is definitely a good thing but I think I become a little too obsessive.  For example, I am at the grocery store and discover that Sweet Baby Rays BBQ sauce is on sale.  Well that's pretty great because it just so happens I use that exact brand of BBQ sauce.  But instead of buying a manageable amount like two, three tops I buy six.  Not only will I not use six, but it is taking precious space in my pantry.  Note to myself, DON'T DO THAT ANYMORE.  OK.
Rule Number two is just my creative twin screaming in my head buy me and take me home and make me. Did I mention I am a Gemini?  I am, in fact I am the classic Gemini.  There are definitely two of me living in my body.  One Twin is trying to be organized and the other keeps saying lighten up, be free.  So I lighten up and I buy it and don't make it. Note to myself, if I want to try something interesting than I must make it that week.  NO EXCEPTIONS!
Rule number three is buying what I use all the time.  This list is managed by my more organized, practical self. This rule works pretty well.  I seem to be able to keep items that I use all the time stocked in my pantry.  I guess it is because I add it to my list for when I go shopping.
Awhile back I asked for input from all of you about what you keep in your pantry and I noticed that there is definitely a pattern.  Most people have flour, sugar, pasta, rice, peanut butter, jam, some type of oil(evoo, canola, vegetable etc) and some type of vinegar.  Those were the staples.  The items that differed depended on the type of cooking being done in the household.  These items gave each pantry its own personality.  I am working on my pantry's personality.  I will get back to you as it develops.
My Perfect Pantry. I received this book from Blogging for Books.  When I chose this book I thought it would be more of a how to stock your pantry .  I was looking for inspiration and help. It is really  more of a cookbook that is divided into 50 categories representing the fifty items that the author feels are his essential ingredients. Even though it was not what I expected it really is a good cookbook.  The recipes are very manageable, meaning the ingredients are straight forward.  In other words most recipes in the book don't have a lot of specialty ingredients, ones you need to pick up and you probably would only use when you make that dish.  So if you are looking for something that has some good recipes centered around pantry items you most likely have on hand, this is your book. If you want more information on this book click on this link My Perfect Pantry

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